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The Dangers of Smart Meters and Why they Should be Removed Immediately!

A Call to Actions

When you hear anything related to the word "Smart", it would be SMART to look into the dangers and potential damages to your health and well being. We have been hearing about Smart Meters starting fires, deteriorating health and the below video explains why.

The below information is copied from the body of the above

YouTube published October 8th 2016:

Everyone knows that wireless "smart" meters communicate via microwaves. What was unknown until now is that additional frequencies are transmitted in the 2 to 50 kilohertz range. Numerous studies have shown repeatedly that those very same frequencies disrupt the human nervous system. Indeed, "nerve block" is the phrase used in the studies to describe what occurs. The studies are not controversial. In other words, there are no studies that show otherwise. Nerve block induced by frequencies in the 2 to 50 kilohertz range is an established fact. The studies that show this nerve block are all from mainstream sources including the epitome of "establishment" science when it comes to electricity, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. For more information on how frequencies radiate off household wiring, go to the 5 minute and 20 second mark of this video: . Nerve Disrupting Frequencies Radiating from "Smart" Meters needs to be shared. Send the video to your utilities, your state utility regulators, your state health departments, and to hungry lawyers everywhere. Links to studies:$=relatedarticles&logdbfrom=pmc


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