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The Future of Global Governance ~ Sustainable Development Goals ~ How? Why? When? by Kevin Mugur Gal

Bobby Vaughn

The Future of Global Governance Cover.jpg
"This document frees the truth and presents the facts as they are and not as we wish them to be. Its purpose is to give policy makers a clear direction and concrete solutions, to draw civil society away from single issues and unite us in purpose, and to enlighten people with knowledge of the overall plan so we all know what we must do and move irresistibly towards the same goals."


Sustainable Development Goals

How? Why? When?

"Our Earth is an indivisible whole, a perfect balance of myriad elements, animate and inanimate, coexisting symbiotically in a state of constant flux of indescribable grace and beauty, a cosmic dance that we will never fully understand and will forever try to understand. Humanity too must become an indivisible whole if we are to reach a state of harmony with ourselves and our biosphere, which shelters us and our Mother Earth from the cruel emptiness of space.

We have reached a point in our evolution that renders our civilization a force equal to any in nature but entirely at odds with everything in nature; an unbridled force that disrupts the hardearned state of equilibrium our planet has held for the past twelve thousand years, time during which our species has thrived beyond imagining at unimaginable cost to all other life forms and to the very elements that make life possible.

As an elemental force we must merge with all other elemental forces and restore the shattered harmony of our geological epoch while at the same time ensuring the perpetuation of the species and respect for the sanctity of life in all its forms until the end of time. The Sustainable Development Goals are our best attempt to envision and define what we have to do, why we have to do it, and how fast we must do it to become a gentle part of the divine harmony, as we once were.

For humankind to become an indivisible whole, at peace with itself and in harmony with nature, we have to build on our evolved social conscience and expand its horizons until we are all capable of global consciousness and erect the organizational infrastructure necessary to express and apply it. The evolution of a global consciousness is the underlying theme of this document and the fundamental task of our generation.

In plain English, every single human being on the planet must learn to think and act as an earthling and abandon old loyalties to nation state, religion, social class, tribe, sect, ethnicity, and race; loyalties that divide us along multiple fault lines and prevent us from reaching unity in purpose and from protecting our planet from our own destructive ways, acting instead as each other’s enemies.

Those who cannot or will not make this leap into global consciousness will be left behind so the rest of us and all life on earth can survive and thrive on a pristine planet.

The Foundation

We cannot go into the future without a plan and we can neither conceive nor carry out a plan without a firm foundation.

A set of four fundamental principles and a corresponding number of newly created institutions will provide the firm foundation on which to reshape the international community into a closeknit family, the human family, if the Sustainable Development Goals are to be realized, as they must since our very humanity, the survival of our species and of all life on earth depend on them.

Truth for Trust Principle and the Council of 12

To do the impossible, the UN and its agencies have been forced by circumstances to bypass democratic processes and to advance their crucial objectives through deception and dishonesty. They have consequently broken the public trust, have lost much of their credibility, and are viewed across the world with justified suspicion. The Sustainable Development Goals are too important to be entrusted to a system that has committed genocide in the name of peace and security and has encouraged national governments to commit genocide for nearly seven decades. Irrespective of attenuating circumstances – and there are many – we must start with a clean slate and throw the old skeletons out of the closet.

If the SDGs are to succeed, a new entity made up of trustworthy, deserving and untainted individuals, which shall be called the Council of 12, must be created and placed atop the UN system to ensure that henceforth all actions emanating from the global governance level are not only in good faith but also fully transparent and wholly and immediately communicated to the public at large, thus bringing to an end the era of dishonesty, deception, shameless elitism and backroom dealing that characterize the modus operandi of the current international community.

The openness and truthfulness of this new superstructure of policy makers, henceforth called the Truth for Trust Principle, will earn back the public’s trust and restore decency and the rule of law to global governance. This will allow the Council of 12 to represent a new beginning, without dissolving the existing international structure, other than the Security Council, whose powers and duties it will inherit, and to serve as the brain of the world in order to coordinate the global effort demanded by the Sustainable Development Goals and do it with grace, compassion and dignity, yet as resolutely as a force of nature to compel humanity to act as one, fully-formed and intelligent organism. As it is, humanity is like a chicken without a head, fluttering its wings in utter desperation and jumping hither and tither, exhausting itself in the process, breaking everything in its path, and making no headway whatsoever.

The first action of this new and supreme executive body, whose members will serve ten-year terms, must be to dismiss the heads of all UN agencies, including Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, and to nominate new individuals from outside the UN system in order to purge the UN of all members who have committed crimes against humanity or tacitly allowed genocide for depopulation purposes to take place. This purge must then advance to the second tier in the administration whose members must also be sent home and barred from holding office ever again.

Prior to their dismissal, these individuals must appear before the Council of 12 and the world and confess in live broadcasts the covert methods by which they have subverted human fertility and longevity across the planet in a truth and reconciliation type process akin to that undergone by South Africa post-Apartheid. In return they will receive immunity from prosecution. This will allow the world to start anew and move forward without the ominous shadows of fear and retribution.

The UN must be capable of good governance in order to be able to demand good governance from national and local entities. The twelve members of the Council of 12 must then pledge under oath in front of the world to abide by the core principles of good governance, that is: to be transparent, to be accountable, and to do no harm.

To reflect the change of leadership and of principles, a change of name is also absolutely necessary. The United Nations (UN) Organization will henceforth be called the United People (UP) Organization, since the task of the United People Organization is to serve the people of the world and not nations and since the SDGs cannot be accomplished without the gradual disintegration of nation states or at the very least a far-reaching devolution of powers by national governments to the global governance level.

Now and Forever Principle and the Twelve Elders

While the Council of 12 are the brain and reason of the world, and are concerned with humanity’s present wellbeing and future survival, the Twelve Elders must be the heart and conscience of the world, and serve as humanity’s link to the past, lest we lose sight of who we are. They will temper the cold rationale of secular authority with warm compassion and serve as a sacred counterforce to the secular force of the Council of 12 to ensure that the latter does not get out of control and that it stays true to the underlying and overarching goals imbedded in the SDGs, namely: harmony among men, equilibrium between man and nature, and continuity between this and future generations.

Since both the Council of 12 and the Twelve Elders are entrusted with safeguarding the wellbeing of the planet, of all life on it, and of future generations – and thus their concerns and responsibilities are far deeper, far larger and far longer than those of national politicians – they cannot be constrained by the whims and wishes of voters and the democratic process, for the obvious reason that the unborn and the other species on Earth cannot voice their concerns or exercise their democratic rights by casting a vote, and must therefore be free to act as a divine entity and not as an elected body, thus as representatives of God and life and not as representatives of men and interests."

Kevin Galalae, Author of The Future of Global Governance


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