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Cold Metal by BobbyLee Vaughn Jr.

Bobby Vaughn

United States. Department of Defense, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency ((D.A.R.P.A.). Advanced Neural Implants and Control. 2002.) This is a very short document from one of the many D.A.R.P.A. documents on the subject of brain implants and mind-control. This provides me with a summarized version of one of their many projects. Although this is over ten years old, it is still a very useful material. Their objective and approach is outlined in an easy-to-understand way. One of their objectives is to remotely stimulate ones brain via the micro-stimulator. They use multiple neural implant locations to experiment with. Different parts of the brain, when stimulated, produce different reactions depending on the conditioning and experiences of the subject. (United States. US Army Research, Development & Standardization Group, Bio-Instrumentation Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Development of a Wireless Brain Implant: The Telemetric Electrode Array System. October 25-28, 2001.) This document is an outline from a conference involving the United States Army’s research and development group and neuroscientists from Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Their goal in this conference is to discuss the Telemetric Electrode Array System. This was among the first wireless brain implants to possibly have the potential to create real-life mind-controlled cyborgs in the name of medicine. This document explains different parts to this particular device and its uses. (United States. Aeronautical Systems DIV Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, OH, Aerospace Medical Division. Histopathological Studies of Tissue Reactions to Various Metals Implanted in Cat Brains. By Robinson, Farrell, R.; Johnson, Marion, T. October, 1961.) This is a useful abstract document for the reason that it is aged. This was published in 1961. Most people do not even know that this was happening in the 1960s, let alone currently. This is a co-authored and co-scientist experimental project. This is highly inhumane and unethical. This document gives me a feel for what was happening over fifty years ago. These mad scientists were testing different metal on the exposed brain tissue of cats. This occurred at the Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. This document describes the lesions in the cats’ brains that occurred. These experiments occurred for up to six months on a single cat. These experiments were to provide data on different metals to be used in the future for intercerebral electrodes for humans. Sickening! (United States. Air Force Systems Command, Aerospace Medical Division, 6571st Aeromedical Research Laboratory, Yale University School of Medicine. Multichannel Transdermal Stimulation of the Brain. By Jose M.R. Delgado, M.D. February, 1970.) This 24 page document describes a multichannel brain stimulation device that is implanted just beneath the skin of the subject. The power source and information pack are carried outside of the body and can be activated by 100mHz radio frequency. This means that anyone with the right equipment can activate the device to send signals to the subject’s brain. There are three channels in this particular device. Each can be adjusted remotely with repetition rate, pulse durations, and intensity. It is desired by these scientists to have access to multiple areas of the subject’s brain via numerous implanted stimulators, to produce desired effects. (Abbot, Allison. Brain implants have long lasting effect on depression. Nature. February 7, 2011. Web. November 4, 2013.) This article is important to my paper because it deals with the “positive” aspects of deep brain stimulation. Based on a study of twenty people, twelve of them were alleviated of their depression. Two people died from an assumed suicide. This proves that this technology is not only dangerous, but also fatal. The article states that people were cured of depression for up to six years with these devices. This study was carried-out by psychiatrist Sidney Kennedy with neurosurgeon Andres Lozano at the University Health Network in Toronto, Canada. (Agni, Jane M. RFID Mascot Brings Nationwide Tour To Help Alleviate Children’s Fears Of Implantation. National Report. Oct. 27, 2013. Web. Nov. 4, 2013) In summary, this article explains a United States tour for the new Obamacare Radio Frequency Identification Chip. They are now using a mascot to alleviate children’s fears of getting a microchip implanted into their hand. They are also using a Chippie stuffed toy to win over the kids. Chippie is the name of the cartoon mascot. They even go as far to have the kids watch a thirty minute video of one of the many adventures of Chippie. I am using this article because I feel they are taking advantage of the young and their ignorance on the subject. (United States. United States Patent Office. IN VIVO RFID CHIP, United States Patent Application 20100171596. By Burke, Peter J. ; Rutherglen, Christopher M. July 8, 2010.) This is a relatively recent document on modern Radio Frequency Identification chips to be used in the field of medicine. It covers various aspects of the chip that is to be implanted inside of the human body. The aims of this implant is to act as a new way of dispersing drugs into the body. This is relative to my paper do to the fact that these drugs are dispersed via a radio frequency. Many interferences could threaten the health of the person using the implant. The document also shows the different parts of the chip and various figures in order for one to reach a better understanding of what the product consists of and is intended to do. (Swertfeger, Chris. RFID Hacking: Is It A Threat? Techware Labs. Oct. 13, 2010. Web. Nov. 4, 2013.) This is a very informative article to be slightly short. Chris goes into detail about how using Radio Frequency Identification chips can be a threat to the one using them. He explains how RFID works, how people who use them are vulnerable to identification theft, and how hackers can easily intercept your RFID chip. The information provided in this article is of relevance. It helps me with my paper due to his explanation of how an RFID receives signals. To me, the problems with them outweigh the benefits. People’s implanted RF medical devices can be hacked by using an RFID cloner. This is very dangerous and can be life-threatening. (Cardullo, Mario. Genesis of the Versatile RFID Tag. RFID Journal. April 21, 2003. Web. Nov. 4, 2013.) This is a very useful article from the only journal that specializes in everything Radio Frequency Identification. This particular entry is about the history of the Radio Frequency Identification chip. It is written by the man, who worked for IBM, that invented the RFID tag in 1969. This comes in handy very much when researching and writing an argument paper that discusses how implantable radio frequency and remotely controlled devices into the human body. Without knowing the history of this critically controversial device, one could not write a good paper on the subject. (RFID Journal, Hitachi Unveils Smallest RFID Chip. RFID Journal. March 14, 2003. Web. Nov. 4, 2013.) Searching the web for the first and most reliable source on the matter of the world’s smallest RFID chip, I was drawn back to RFID Journal. This particular entry discusses how small the chip is, it’s storage, how difficult it was to make, and other discussions. In doing research for this type of paper, this entry from the only RFID journal, is a must to have in my paper. RFID’s this small can be inhaled or secretly embedded on anyone and almost anything. Hitachi is the manufacturer. (Medtronic. Deep Brain Stimulation for Psychiatric Disorders. Medtronic, Inc. 2013. Web. Nov. 4, 2013.) The information provided in this link is very credible due to it coming directly from the source of the only approved deep brain stimulation devices for psychiatric disorders. This particular link provides owners manuals and patient manuals on various deep brain stimulation devices. I use the owners manuals as references—in the owners manuals there are warning about electromagnetic interferences (EMI) as well as how many hertz the stimulators operate on. Using a device like this in conjunction to your brain, it is very dangerous to be around any electrical devices that give off electronic frequencies. This link is a very good source for credible information regarding DBS.

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