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Hundreds of Paducah documents
The Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant is located near Paducah, Kentucky and had facilities to convert uranium oxides contaminated with highly radioactive plutonium, neptunium and technetium-99 to uranium hexafluoride and produce low enriched uranium and depleted uranium.
The Paducah GDP processed recycled uranium intermittently from initial startup in 1953 through 1989. It received recycled uranium, mainly as oxides from Hanford, Savannah River, and K- 25, and shipped recycled uranium, mainly as contaminated uranium hexafluoride, to other gaseous diffusion plants, including Portsmouth, and Fernald, as well as other commercial users.
In the name of "national security", plant workers and the surrounding populations, including children, were regularly exposed to these highly radioactive particles by inhalation, ingestion, skin and other paths of exposure without being told what they were being exposed to.
This exclusive collection of rare internal Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant documents ensure that you, as a former or current worker or member of the surrounding community, are equipped with a unique arsenal of documented evidence to assist you in your fight for accountability, truth and justice against those who have caused nuclear harm and death to the Paducah area for nearly 70 years.
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