A Call to Actions

Nov 25, 2015

Empowering Our Children, Our Future

Updated: Jan 14, 2023

The most precious investment we can make toward serving humanity is to provide our children an inspiring and empowering environment where they can learn, grow and thrive.

It is our mission to build and strengthen social emotional skills in children. When they fully embrace the power and responsibility of their choices in a heart based manner i.e. "How does it FEEL when I choose this action?" then they have the opportunity to realize how their choices can affect themselves, their friends & family, schoolmates, community and world.

The StarPals Series seven books model 9 different virtues that children can easily relate to and immediately apply in their every day lives.

The StarPals Treasure Chart is a powerful tool to track and acknowledge accomplishments to promote self-empowerment, creativity and fun while earning stars for their positive actions. The Treasure Chart can also be used as a reward system.

If you would like to purchase a dedicated set of

The StarPals Series Books click below:

Cheers to empowering our children with

virtues and values!

We thank you for helping us

BE the Change for our children, our future!